Population Statistics

  The current population in Peru is an estimated 29 million. In 70 years it has quadrupled and is logistical rising 1.32%, as seen in 2006. 30% of the population is below 14, people within the ages of 15 and 60 represent 63% and people over 60 are a mere 5%. That being said, the population of Peru in perhaps 20 years will skyrocket, because the ones who are over the ages of 60 will be gone and that will just be 5% of the whole picture, and the 30% of teens in Peru will be grown and more than likely compensating for the lost 5% of the nation with their own offspring, raising the population for Peru dramatically.

The population of Peru went down an estimated 80% as a result of new diseases and the brutal regime of the Spanish conquest. From the colonial era to at least 1940's.

                    Ethnicity & Race

The major ethnicity of Peru is mostly Mestizo and Amerindians, and the minorities are European, Asians and Afro-Peruvians. Because it is a multiethnic society, Peruvian people usually treat their nationality as a citizenship instead of an ethnicity. The Caucasians of Peru are typically from Spanish, Italian and British descent. 

Politics and ethnicity are very closely intertwined in Peru. Most politicians are often of Mestizo descent, with origins of Amerindians and European, mostly Spanish and Portuguese. As well, most low level jobs are held by Afro-Peruvians. There are many anti-discriminatory laws in Peru against children and most citizens, but it does not stop others from looking down upon people of different races, social origin or sexual orientation.


Peru's official languages are Spanish, spoken by the majority of the nation, and Amerindian languages such a Quecha and Aymara  of the indigenous peoples. In the last four decades the use of Spanish in Peru has gone up to 83% of the population speaking it,  and the role of Amerindian languages has gone considerably down to 28%. However, the country is taking control of the matter and there has been an increasing and organized effort to teach Quecha and Aymara in the schools of Peru. 

                        Gender roles 

The role of gender plays an enormous part of Peruvian culture. The historic roles of women were homemakers and mothers. It has not changed very much widely, but women now have the chances and more equal opportunities to get jobs and supplemental income for their family. On average, however, women make 46% less than men. For every $4 a man makes, the minimum wage for men, a woman will make $1.84. For the Gender Equality Index, Peru ranks 72nd out of 146 countries, and on a scale with 0 being complete inequality and 1 being equal, Peru has a rating of .415. 

                               A Peruvian Nativity scene. 

                         Culture Facts 

The country of Peru celebrates Christmas and Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi is a latin holiday celebrating the tradition and belief of Jesus Christ, his living body and flesh in the nearness of Good Friday. There are many other not nationally recognized holidays that are of the Christian faith, as Christians represent 93% of Peru. 

Peruvian Music is made up of mostly its Andean roots and is strongly influenced by Spanish music, as is most of South America. It is very upbeat and often contains an amalgamation of sounds and styles.

              Peru's Birth & Deathrate

In the past 5 years, the live birthrate in Peru has lowered from 621,000 to 612,000 and the deathrate has officially gone up 6,000 per year. The infant mortality rate per 1,000 women is 21, which is 2.1%. The total fertility rate is 2.60. 

In 1985, Peru passed the Population Policy law which stated that its second objective is to have more well informed couples and individuals and provided with the needed education and necessary health services that will assist them in the decision of the spacing and number of children they will have. The first objective of this law is to create influence on population dynamics and socioeconomic development and to promote strong positive attitudes toward small family size. 

In more recent years, such as the 80's  and 90's, the fertility rate has dropped as the result of deteriorating living conditions and poor family planning practices. In order for Peru's demographic transition to accelerate, there must be vast improvements upon the literacy rate, income, and availability to services related to sanitation. 

                        The Incas

Hidden in the Andes Mountains lies the small city of Cuzco. It was originally a modern Inca civilization, but it was preserved when the Spanish conquered the land in 16th century. Today is has a cultural mix of Incan and Spanish monuments, including Baroque churches and the present day Plaza de Armas. Plaza de Armas were town squares that were brought about by Spanish conquistadors and are present in many Latin American cities. It is translated to 'Weapons Square' as the Spanish based cities were designed on a military grid. 

A little more than 60 miles away from Cuzco, in the dense Amazon rainforest, lies Machu Picchu. The site has become the most famous monument of Peru and attracts many tourists, often being called the 8th wonder of the ancient world. The walls, terraces and ramps that pull together the historic city built into the eastern slopes of the Andes are 32,500 hetacres of land that belonged to the Incan Empire. 


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